SANS SEC760: Advanced Exploit Development for Penetration Testers Labs

SANS SEC760: Advanced Exploit Development for Penetration Testers Labs

SANS SEC760: Advanced Exploit Development for Penetration Testers Labs

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SANS SEC760: Advanced Exploit Development for Penetration Testers Labs SANS SEC760: Advanced Exploit Development for Penetration Testers Labs

Modern operating systems such as Microsoft Windows 10 and the latest Linux distributions can be very complex and subtle. These vulnerabilities can undermine an organization’s defenses and expose it to significant damage when exploited by skilled attackers. Few security professionals have the skills to discover a complex vulnerability and write an exploit to compromise it. Regardless of the increased complexity, attackers must maintain this skill set. The skills required to reverse engineer 32-bit and 64-bit applications to find vulnerabilities, perform remote user application and kernel debugging, analyze patches for one-day exploits, and write complex exploits are taught in SEC760.

You will learn.

Modern exploits can be written against the Windows operating systems. How to perform complex attacks such as use-after-free, kernel and driver exploitation, one-day exploitation through patch analysis, and other advanced attacks. How to use various plug-ins to improve vulnerability research. How to deal with modern exploit controls.

The syllabus for the course. SEC760.1: Exploit Mitigations and Reversing with IDA SEC760.2: Linux Application Exploitation There is an overview.

The ability to progress into more advanced reversing and exploitation requires an expert level understanding of basic software vulnerabilities. Modern exploitation techniques use heap overflows as a rite of passage. In order to inspire thinking in a more abstract manner, it is necessary to continue with the course on this day. Linux can sometimes be an easier operating system to learn and use. It is important to have an understanding of vulnerability research on the Linux OS, as most courses on exploit development focus solely on the Windows OS.

Credit: 8 There are topics.

Linux heap management, constructs, and environment. Negotiating the heap. Unlink and frontlink are some of the offending macros. Function pointer is changed. The format string is being exploited. There are Linux exploit controls that can be defeated. Linux application exploitation using IDA remote debugging. There are format string bugs for ASLR.


Vendors such as Microsoft distribute patches to attackers in order to find new vulnerabilities. The vendor can more silently patch the vulnerability if it is disclosed privately or discovered in-house. The vendor can release limited information about a patched vulnerability. As many organizations struggle with getting patches out quickly, attackers are quick to find the patched vulnerability in order to take control of unpatched systems. The incident handler, IDS administrators and vendors, vulnerability and penetration testing framework companies, government entities, and others all perform patch diffing. Some of the bugs patched by Microsoft will be identified using the material covered on this day. Return Oriented Programming will be used to string together gadgets that emulate shellcode.

Credit: 8 There are topics.

The patch management process of Microsoft. Obtaining patches and patches. BinDiff 5 is used for bin diffing. Figuring out code changes and identifying fixes. Reversing applications and modules. Triggering vulnerabilities that have been patched. Writing a day’s worth of exploits. Shellcode can be compiled on the fly with ROP.


The Windows kernel is complex and intimidating, so this day aims to help you understand it. You will learn how the kernels work with drivers to talk to devices and how some functions can be exposed to user-mode. You will learn how to deal with the inherent complexity of the Linux operating system on Windows 10. Ring 0 driver vulnerabilities will be analyzed, exploitation techniques will be looked at, and working exploits will be obtained.

Credit: 8 There are topics.

Understanding the operating system. There is a way to navigate the Windows kernel. Modern protections for the kernels. Windows 10 drivers and kernels can be Debugging. WinDbg. Analyzing vulnerability types. The techniques of Kernel exploitation. Information disclosure and token stealing are vulnerabilities.


Advanced exploitation of applications running on the Windows OS is the focus of this day. For a long time memory corruption bugs have been the standard for exploiting Windows applications. Use After Free and Type Confusion bugs are examples. Many of the vulnerabilities are due to the complexity of large C applications. The Windows 7, 8, and 10 operating systems are the focus of this section.

Get it immediately. Penetration tester’s labs have advanced exploit development.

Credit: 8 There are topics.

Windows heap management, constructs, and environment. Understanding the low heap is important. There is browser-based and client-side exploitation. Understanding Cvftable/vtable behavior is important. Use after-free attacks and pointers. It is possible to avoid protections such as MemGC. ASLR, DEP, and other exploit controls are dealt with.


The Capture-the-Flag event will use different types of challenges from the material taught throughout the week. Capture-the-Flag exercises will test your reverse-engineering, bug discovery, and exploit-writing skills.

Credit: 6 Additional information is available. There is a laptop required.

When doing class exercises, you need to use multiple operating systems. All necessary virtual machines with all necessary tools will be provided on the first day of the course, including Windows 10, various Linux distributions, and a 2-month license of IDA Pro with the option of purchasing it through Hex-Rays at a discounted price. The OS and application configuration can be very specific in some labs. There are virtual machines on the in-class network that you can connect to using RDP. If you can get the specific OS and/or application builds, you can recreate the systems at home, but you will not be able to take them home.

If your host OS is causing issues between virtual machine guests, make sure that you have the administrative ability to disabled all security software and protections. You may not be able to complete the exercises if you don’t have this level of control. Make sure that the software you install is not blocked by administrative or security controls. You will need to have a network connection to install Windows tools onto your host OS. It’s a good idea to have a Windows 10 host. If your host is Mac OS or a Linux distribution, you need to bring a Windows 10 guest VM with you.

Adherence to the requirements is required.

A minimum of 16 gigabytes of memory is required. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it There are three types of VMware Workstation, Fusion, or Player. There is a 30-day free trial at If you register for the trial on the website, you will receive a time-limited serial number. It is also acceptable, though not thoroughly tested. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it There is 100 gigabytes of free hard disk space. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it The Intel i5/i7 is a 2.0 GHz processor. The course includes a license to IDA Pro. In order to obtain the license, you must agree to the terms where your name and e-mail address are provided. You must have a copy of IDA Pro 7.4 advanced to opt-out.

Contact if you have questions about the laptop specifications.

A senior network and system penetration tester has exploit development experience. C and C are used for secure application developers. There are reverse-engineering professionals. A senior incident handler has exploit development experience. There are senior threat analysts with exploit development experience. Researchers of vulnerability. Security researchers.

Students are required to have previous exploit-writing experience using techniques covered in SANS SEC660: Advanced Penetration Testing, Exploit Writing, and Ethical Hacking. This includes experience with stack-based buffer overflows on both Linux and Windows, as well as experience defeating modern exploit mitigation controls such as Data Execution Prevention, Address Space Layout Randomization, canaries, and SafeSEH. It is necessary to have experience with fuzzing tools such as Peach. It’s important to have programming experience with C/C. A minimum of experience in a language such as Python, Perl, Ruby, or LUA is required. Programming basics such as functions, pointers, calling conventions, structures, and classes will be assumed knowledge. Experience with reverse-engineering vulnerable code is required, as is the ability to read x86/x64 disassembly from within a debugger or disassembler. This course does not coverARM andMIPS. It is necessary to have experience with both Linux and Windows navigation. You may not be able to keep up with the pace of the course if you don’t meet these requirements.

There are courses that lead to SEC760.

SEC660 is about advanced Penetration Testing, Exploit Writing, and ethical hacking.

Malware analysis tools and techniques are included in FOR 610.

SEC760 requires courses that are prerequisites.

SEC660 is about advanced Penetration Testing, Exploit Writing, and ethical hacking.

SEC760 is a very challenging course that covers topics such as remote debugging with IDA, writing IDA Python andIDC script, Linux heap overflows, patch diffing, use-after-free attacks, and much more. Look at the recommended prerequisites and laptop requirements for a detailed listing of the course syllabus. You are expected to know how to write exploits for Windows and Linux applications and how to use return-oriented programming.

Get it immediately. Penetration tester’s labs have advanced exploit development.

There are a lot of questions about this course. I don’t know if I’m ready for SEC760. I don’t know if I should take SEC660 first. I took SEC660, but am I ready for SEC760? If I only want exploit development material, can I jump right to SEC760? I don’t have any SANS pen testing courses to start with. Is the material the same that I have taken a course through?

Everyone has a different level of experience and there is no one size fits all. It is recommended that you read through the course syllabus and prerequisite statements for any course you are considering. Stephen Sims is available to answer any questions you may have about the subject matter in order to help you make an informed decision. He can be reached at

If you take the 10 question exam prepared by SANS, you will be able to determine if you are better suited for SEC660 or SEC760. This is an exploit development perspective. SEC660 includes a two-day introduction to exploit development. Network device exploitation (routers, switches, network access control), pen testing cryptographic implementations, fuzzing, Python, network booting attacks, and escaping Linux and Windows restricted environments are just a few of the advanced penetration testing topics in SEC660. Many SEC760 students have taken training. Students say the courses complement one another and there are many unique sections without overlap.

To take Microsoft patches through exploitation, labs should reverse-engineer them. Use exploit labs against popular browsers. Both Linux and Windows applications can be remotely analyzed. Linux heap overflows can be exploited. Modern exploit mitigations should be bypassed. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it Write your own script. You can navigate the Windows front-end and back-end heap allocators. The drivers are being tested.

A two-month license to IDA Pro is included in the course. In order to get the license, you have to agree to the terms, which include providing your name and e-mail address. Students can extend the license at a discounted rate by contacting Hex-Rays. You must have a copy of IDA Pro 7.4 advanced to opt-out. Various virtual machines, such as Windows 10. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it Tools are required for use in class. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it There are many in-depth labs in the Virtual Training Lab. It’s not like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like it Network penetration testing lessons can be missed if you don’t have access to recorded course audio.

Modern operating systems have zero-day vulnerabilities in programs. Write your own IDA Python script using the advanced features of IDA Pro. It’s a good idea to perform remote Debugging of Linux and Windows applications. Understand and exploit heap overflows. Return-Oriented Shellcode can be written. To find patched vulnerabilities, perform patch diffing against programs, libraries, and drivers. Use after-free attacks and Windows heap overflows. Windows 10 has a build 1903. It is recommended to perform Windows driver and kernel exploitation.

We couldn’t get anything else like SEC760. Jenny Kitaichit is an Intel employee. Adam Logue said, I have taken many other advanced exploit classes and none of them break it down and step through the exploits like this class.

The author statement was written.

I am excited to offer SEC760: Advanced Exploit Writing for Penetration Testers. Exploit development is a hot topic and will continue to increase in importance. The number of experts with the skills to produce working exploits is limited with all of the modern exploit mitigation controls offered by operating systems. More and more companies are looking to hire professionals with the ability to discover vulnerabilities, determine if those vulnerabilities are exploitable, and carry out general security research. This course was written to help you get into these highly sought-after positions and to teach you cutting-edge tricks to thoroughly evaluate a target, providing you with the skills to improve your exploit development.

Stephen Sims.

SEC760: Advanced Exploit Writing for Penetration Testers has given me the opportunity to distill my past experiences in exploit writing and technical systems knowledge into a format worth sharing. This course is meant to give you a look into a number of different exploitation techniques and serves as an amazing jumping-off point for exploitation of any modern application or system. If you don’t plan on having a career in exploit writing or vulnerability research, this course will be useful in understanding the thought process that goes into constructing an exploit and what technologies exist to stop an exploit writer from being successful.

The person is Jaime Geiger.

There are additional resources.

You can take your learning beyond the classroom. You can find additional resources related to this course on our site network.

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